

The seed industry in Thailand is among the advanced and well-developed industries in Asia. Maize contributes to the largest share of seed production and trade. The government and international organizations contributed significantly to the success of the maize seed industry in Thailand by building infrastructure for research and promoting the role of the private sector in the industry during the early years. The private sector also added to the industry’s rapid expansion through constant and heavy investment in research and development. Thailand’s goal of becoming a seed hub center in this region is bolstered by its suitable geography and weather, numerous highly trained plant scientists, wide diversity of germplasm, and membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community (AEC), which will come into effect at the end of 2015. Despite promising motivations, domestic regulations could be prohibitive factors in Thailand’s becoming competitive in the regional seed market. This paper provides the history of development; an analysis of the current industry’s structure, conduct, and performance; and a review of related regulations of the maize seed industry in Thailand. The lessons learned from the success of the maize seed industry in Thailand could provide implications for the development of the seed industry in other developing countries.




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