This paper will draw on~ years of experience with the World Food and Nutrition Study (WFNS) of the National Academey of Sciences. I will give you a bit of background about that study, but my comments will not be restricted to it. Primarily I will define a professional issue -- namely that we as a profession lack a meaningful and exciting research agenda for our role in tackling world food and nutrition problems. Morc-0ver, we are failing effectively to communicate both our skills and our needs. I am not discussing a new topic 1 e.g. , Farrell did a most scholarly paper on many of these issues in his AAFA presidential address. Certainly the paper given here by Maurice Kelso will be a classic in our literature. My contribution lies especially in the chance to discuss a case study which involved substantial input from our profession. I will be optimistic al::out our profession and al::out t..'1-ie potential quality of life for most peoples -worldwide.