

By altering personal diets individuals can avoid serious amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Additionally, several studies documented that individuals have a positive intention to make climate-friendly food choices. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the factors which influence consumers behavioral intentions towards climate-friendly food consumption. The analysis is based on data from a face-to-face in-shop survey in southern Germany and is especially interested in the consumption of fruit and vegetables, since substituting animal products with fruit and vegetables can save high amounts of GHG emissions. Using an extended model of the Theory of Reasoned Action and structural equation modelling to analyze the data the survey was able to prove a large positive effect of Climate Attitudes and a medium positive effect of Subjective Norms on consumers behavioral intention towards climate-friendly food consumption. However, the assumed direct effect of Perceived Behavioral Competency on this issue could not be shown. On the basis of the results strategies to enhance climate-friendly food consumption are suggested. Acknowledgement : This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (contract code: 17004X11). The authors acknowledge this financial support but are solely responsible for the content of this manuscript.




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