

The paper that is presented below was carried out in the autumn - winter cycle of 2017 in the San Antonio de los Bravos experimental field of the UAAAN - UL, in Torreón Coahuila, Mexico. Under a randomized complete block method experiments designs; establishing 6 fertilization treatments with 5 repetitions each. These were as follows: 3 organic sources; vermicompost, leachate of vermicompost and hydroponic nutrient solution, 2 inorganic sources; MAP (phosphorus) and Magnesium Sulfate; and finally a control block in which no fertilizer was applied. It was an arrangement of 30 plots of 3 X 10 m = 30 m2 for each of the blocks. For the statistical analysis of the ANOVA, the Olivares software of FAUANL v.2012 was used for an α of 5%, and the marginal utility was analyzed by the Palencia method (2012). We took 3 variables to study these were: height of green forage plant, weight of green forage per m2, and the generation of % dry matter. The hypothesis proposed was that organic fertilization generates increases in the variables mentioned above. For the three measurement characteristics analyzed, no significant statistical difference was obtained, and in the analysis of the marginal utility it was the check control who generated a profit per hectare of $4,380 pesos, followed by the MAP inorganic source with $2,240 pesos; and finally, the source of organic fertilization that was the vermicompost leach with only $ 860 pesos of marginal profit per hectare. The proposed hypothesis is rejected and the new lines of research should be directed to reduce the doses of application of organic sources; because with those applied in this experiment, they punish production costs enough.




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