To find and adopt those farming activities, solutions and technologies that are suitable for effective production, ensuring the viability for the farmers by the product chain is one of the basic tasks of a sustainable economy. The limited area of arable land is one of our key resources in agriculture and in the life of rural areas as well. The aim of the study is to discuss the new paradigm of ‘degrowth’ along the potential alternative farming strategies focusing on the land question, based on thoughts of Serge Latouche. The new values (Réévaluer – reappraise) suggest the intent of preserving nature at least in the current condition. Both precision agriculture and herb plantations or organic production are tools in this and allow the efficient use of natural resources (Restructurer – restructuring factors of production). Each farming strategy in which the farmers’ cooperation is the base of an efficient machinery use (Restructurer – restructuring of social relationships), each technology that reduces the human-health risk (Réduire – reduction) shows into the direction of degrowth. We believe that it will not be possible to maintain a sustainable economy without strengthening the rural areas, helping farmers to find successful ways/strategies for development, being innovative and to cooperate with each other. Values, attitudes, networks, trust and openness are important to both individual and social utility coincidence that promotes the sustainability of being viable, competitive in wider meaning: future orientation, ability to renew (development, imitation, synthesis), economic/social cooperation.