Keeping global temperature rises below two degrees Celsius is a targeted international community goal. The literature suggests that it is important to explicitly consider the consumption side, as well as the production side to achieve this goal. However, the lack of awareness among the public related to the linkage of the livestock sector and climate change may hinder consumers to change their consumption behavior to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. This study has two purposes. First, we quantify the environmental loading of U.S. beef sector by calculating emission levels over the period of 1990-2017. Beef cattle is one of the most emission-intensive sectors, which is responsible for 54% of total GHGs from livestock. Following International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guideline, we identify three sources of emissions, including enteric fermentation, manure management, and manure left on pastures. Second, we provide an understanding of consumption-environmental connection related to the beef industry. This knowledge might help to avoid the catastrophic climate change consequences in the future.