Cropping pattern and cropping intensity, inter cilia,- are theiniportant . factors that influence the farm profits. -Studies in the past attempted to evaluate the impact of new farm technology on these two variables. Hovever,, ,. • the adoption Df new technology is, itself affected by the availability, of cre:14t. • Hence, an assessment of impact of credit on cropping pattern and cropping intensity assumes great significance:. •7' • The present study probes into the ;impact iof credit on the :farms. in , unrirrigated and irrigated villaies: For this. Ourpose, a sample of 120 farmers representiit-small and large Categories Were s'ele.c.ted:_The'data pertained to • 1987A8. Linear programming technique Was ifSed for. arialyis Of the data.- The-findings revealed that the optimization of resource use with existing • •. and improved technologies led to, cultivation, of a few but more. profitable, , . • .• • . crops in the new cropping patterns The cropping intensity in ditierent,plan - showed an increasing trend frOrn- the existing 'cropping Pattern through the o.ptiinum 'plan with existing technology to the optiniurri plan with improved technology. These changes were poSsible because of supply of liberal credit through relaxation of capital .constraint. This calls ,for improvements in farmer's accessibility to the liberal credit and input supplies.