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A secondary adoption study of Soil Conservation (SC) practices, principally rock walls, alley cropping, contour terraces, crop bands, and contour canals was conducted in Haiti during the months of August and September 1998. A total of 101 farm heads of households who had not been included in a recent SC project were interviewed to determine their source of information on the adoption of soil conservation practices. The sample of heads of household included 91 males and 10 females within the ages of 17 to 75 years. It was found that land tenure system affected the adoption of SC practices and soil fertility positively affected the installation of SC practices (p>.05). Most farmers indicated that their information for the adoption of SC practices come from the following: 17.1% from their own experience, 12.0% from other, and 5.7% from friends. Only 1.3% revealed that they obtained the information from the on-going project, while 9.5% said they received it from another contemporary project.




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