SEZs are specifically delineated duty–free enclaves and shall be deemed to be a foreign territory for the purpose of trade operations, duties & tariffs (Ministry of Commerce). The Government of India so far has approved 1014 SEZs consisting of Notified, Formal Approvals, Operated and In-principle categories of projects which are sanctioned (as on 2015). The total area for proposed SEZs (formally approved and in principle approved) is approximately. 2061 sq km which would not be more than 0.069 per cent of the total land area and not more than 0.12 per cent of the total agricultural land in India (Ministry of Agriculture). Gujarat State stands in the first place in the acquisition of the land for the formal SEZ activities consisting of about 27.04 percent out of 51076 hectares in India. The Karnataka state takes position of the fifth place in the acquisition of the land for the purpose of the formal approvals of the SEZs in the country around 2789 hectares of the land representing 5.46 Percentage of the country. Kandla Special Economic Zone (12889.99) and Vishakhapatnam Special Economic Zone about 12168.68 are the top two SEZs respectively in terms of notified land area and the percentage of these SEZs is 26.96 per cent and 25.46 per cent respectively.