In this study, the recreational value of ShirinSou Wetland of the Kabodarahang County in Hamadan Province, Iran was estimated and the visitors' willingness to Pay (WTP) was measured by using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and One and One Half Bound model (OOHB) dichotomous choice (DC) questionnaire. The results show that 81 percent of investigating individuals will pay for recreational usage of the studied wetland. Estimated WTP is 44671 IRR (US$ 1.68) for each visitor. The total annual recreational value of this wetland is estimated at about 809 (million IRR) (or US$ 30348). Furthermore, the variables of proposed bids and visitors' monthly income are statistically significant at 1%; so, these two variables are considered as the most important factors affecting visitors' WTP. Also, these tow variables have negative and positive effect on WTP, respectively. Age and level of education were the next effective factors with significant impact at the 10% level. Policy makers can take these values into consideration in the decision-making process of the development of the wetlands.