In this paper the researchers tried to study the status of tourism and rural tourism economy in Iran the condition of entry and exit of tourists in Iran, as well as the inhibiting factors affecting their positive impacts on Iran economic status. To achieve this objective, the researchers used documentary research methods. In addition, the researchers used a field research method based on the data obtained from a questionnaire in an attempt to find the inhibiting factors affecting positive impacts of tourism and rural tourism on Iran economics. The population of this study involve in tourism and rural tourism authorities. The sample of the population consist of 119. The statistical methods used in the study include the non-parametric statistics (Kolmogrove Smirnove). Findings revealed that Iran’s percent share of tourism contribution to GDP in the years 2003-2014 was very low and its changes in these years have been disproportionate. No special information and detailed statistics were presented that have helped clarified the status of rural tourism and rural tourists in Iran. The first five priorities in the field of inhibiting factors affecting positive impacts of tourism on Iran economics were lack of major plans and policies for tourism and rural tourism development, weak cooperation between the government, private sector and local people in planning, managing the tourism and rural tourism projects, frequent change in the authorities of cultural heritage, handicraft and tourism organization, lack of correct criteria for choosing managers and executive directors, and the effects of the sanctions on tourism programs. Furthermore, political factors were found to be important in regard to their effect on the situation of tourism economics in Iran.