In the modern world, organizations are considered as intelligent systems. Increased Organizational Intelligence (OI) helps organizations to effectively analyze their data, store results, and use outcomes for making professional decisions. The purpose of this study was to measure OI in Agriculture- Jihad Organization in Guilan. A sample of 201 out of personnel was selected from in Agriculture- Jihad Organization in Guilan (N=1296) through a proportional cluster sampling technique. The instrument of the study included 7 intelligence constructs measured against 49 items. Results indicated a medium level of OI in the Guilan Agricultural- Jihad Organization. Among the intelligence components, ‘shared fate’ received highest ratings and ‘appetite for change’ received the lowest ratings. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that of the seven intelligence components, the ‘heart’ explained highest proportion of variance for describing OI. Findings have implication for designing policies and developing programs for enhancing the OI. It is recommended that Agriculture- Jihad Organization in Guilan should examine and measure their OI and identify strategies to achieve a high level of OI needed for professional success.