During the year ended in Autumn, 1949, twenty-eight farmers and smallholders supplied information to this Department about their poultry flocks. Although this number is greater than that covered by the previous report in this series (No. 2-1947) the flocks concerned cannot be considered fully representative of poultry in the Province. It is expected that a larger number of completed records will result from the investigation started on ist October, 1949, at the request of the National Farmers' Union of Scotland ; but figures from still more flocks will be needed in the year commencing ist October, 1950. The Department would therefore welcome word from any farmer or poultry-keeper who is interested and who is concerned rather with market egg production than with the production of hatching eggs or stock for sale. This report, which has been drawn up along the lines already established in the Department, could not have been prepared without the co-operation of the farmers and smallholders who supplied the information, the help of the Poultry Instructresses in obtaining co-operators, and the field-work of Miss H. C. McIver and other members of the Department, to all of whom grateful acknowledgment is made.