Inflorescences of Zantedeschia aethiopica Spreng (calla lily) were placed in various holding solutions for postharvest life comparisons. Solutions containing deionized water (01), 200 ppm eight-hydroxyquinoline citrate (8-HQC), 200 ppm 8-HQC + 0.025 M sucrose, 200 ppm 8·HQC + 0.025 M sucrose + 50 ppm dithiothreitol (OTE), or 50 ppm OTE did not significantly increase the vase life of Z aethiopica; all lasted 6 to 7 days. Removal of spadices prior to placement in the solutions also did not increase the vase life. Holding solutions buffered to pH's of 3, 5, or 7 did not affect spathe longevity. A steady decrease in weight of spathes was observed with time, whereas an increase in weight was observed in the scapes and spadices. It is suspected that a greater percentage of water was translocated and transpired through the scape than through the spathes. Scanning electron micrographs showed no obstructions or disjuction of water conduction tissue from the scape to the spathes and spadices. ----- Intloresencias de Zilntedeschiil aethiopica Spreng (calla lily) fueron metidas en varias soluciones para comparar la duracid'n de vida pos-cosecha, Soluciones de agua deionizada, 200 ppm echo-hydroxyquinoline citrate (8-HQC), 200 ppm B-HQC + 0.025 M suerosa, 200 ppm 8-HQC + 0.025 M sucrosa + 50 ppm dithiothreitol (OTE), 050 ppm OTE no aumentaron significativamente la vida pos-cosecha de Z aethiopica; todas duraron 6 07 dras. Eliminacidn de espadices antes de poner las intloresencias en solucion tampoco aurnentrf la vida pos-cosecha. El ajuste de las solueiones al pH de 3, 5, 0 7 no afectrf la Iongevidad de las espatas. Con tiempo, una diminucion constants del peso de las espatas fue observado, mientras se notd' un aumento en peso en los escapes y las espadices, Se sospecha que un mayor poreentaje de agua fue translocada y transpirada por el escapo que por las espatas. Exarninacion con electromicroscopio no revelo obstrucciones 0 disyunci6n en tejidos de conducir agua desde 1'1 escape a las espatas y espadices.