

This review summarizes recent research findings with approved as well as potential quarantine treatments to replace ethylene dibromide (EOB) fumigation in the eradication of the Caribbean fruit fly (Anastrepha suspense (Locw). Several million boxes of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) are shipped annually from Florida to Japan; EOB fumigation and the cold treatment are the only approved methods to disinfest fruit of the Caribbean fruit fly. Limitations were found in the commercial use of the cold treatment, because of the presence of cold injury, in cold-intolerant cultivars such as grapefruit. In domestic shipments methyl bromide (MB) has been used for citrus fruits. To avoid phytotoxicity, citrus fruits fumigated with MB must be stored and handled at temperatures higher than those usually recommended. Gamma irradiation showed potential; presently it is not an approved treatment for fruits and vegetables. Phosphine (PH3) fumigation, which is not approved for citrus fruits, is phytotoxic to grapefruit at conditions required for Caribbean fruit fly mortality. ----- Se rcportan los resultados de investigaciones recientes que examinaron diferenros tratamientos aprobados y experimentales par remplacer 1'1 uso de dibromuro de etileno (EO B) en la eradicacidn de 131 mosca del caribe lAnsstrepbn suspense Loew.J Cada a1lo se manda varios millones de cajas de toronja (Citrus paradisi Macf.) de Florida a Japrfn; fumigacidh con EOB y tratamiento con temperaturas bajas son los 6nicos metodos aprobados para desinfestar 131 fruta de Ia mosca del caribe. EI uso comercial de temperaturas bajas es Iimitado debido 311 dairo causado por el frro en e"ecie,s susceptibles tales como 131 toronja, En cargamentos domesticos, se ha usado bromuro de metileno (MB) en cltricos. Para evitar fitotoxicidad se ha tenido que almacenar y manejar las frutas fumigadas con MB a una temperatura mas elevada de 10 que se recomienda normalmente. La irradiaci6n c0!1rayos gama es un tratamicnto potencial, pero todavfa 110 es un tratamiento aprobado para frutas y verduras. Fumigacidn con Fosfina (PH3) no es un tratamiento aprobados para clfricos, y es fitot6xico a la toronja en condiciones requeridos para matar 131 mosca del caribe,




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