Forage legume research is active and cooperative in the Caribbean Basin/Central America. Large collections of many Desmodium species are available for use. Desmodium intortum and Q. uncinatum have been characterized as unadapted to our livestock production sites. Native and exotic browse species (e.g., fi. discolor. distortum. Q. tortuosum. 2. nicaracruense. E. strigillosum. fi. velutinum and Codariocalyx gyroides (syn. D. qyroides) may be valuable for stock owners with little or no land. Spontaneous species of native pastures (D. incanum. fi. uniflorum. Q. procumbens. E. scoroiurus. D. adscendens. and 2. triflorumi are not presently recommended for commercial development. Desmodium barbatum is untried. Relative adaptation of the wet tropical lowland species D. heterocaroon• Eheterophy1lum. and fi. ovalifolium varies with site; J). ovalifolium is more widely adapted. Though superior in pasture comportment, fi. ovalifolium provides poor animal performance; promising new germplasm is being characterized. An international workshop on E- ovalifolium would be timely.