The degradation of the environment on a global scale has warranted a rethinking of the treatment of pests. The control of pests is heavily weighted on the level of infestation and the concomitant losses in yield and therefore farm family income.The Hillside Agriculture Subproject in its quest to protect the environment from the potential ill effects of in indiscriminate use of chemicals. has been encouraging through onfann aemonstration, the practice of integrated pest management The 1PM strategy emphasizes natural control of pests through the promotion of disease resistant varieties of the major crops cocoa, coffee and coconut to establish and resuscitate hillside farms. The program has been effective through the use of cultural practices such as, land preparation, shade management, crop rotation, and intercropping. Other techniques used emphasize the discriminate use of chemicals and microbial pesticides. Fertilizer usage is done on the recommendations of soi I analysis rather than broad spectrum application related to the crop requirements. This practice prevent excessive infiltration of chemicals in the underground water sources. TI1e HASP 1PM program is constrained by the reluctance of farmers over sixty years to cany out the cultural practices necessary to enhance the effectiveness of the program.