The aim of the study was to determine the optimal production quality and economic species composition of mixtures and how to use the legume-grass sward. Field tests were conducted in 2009-2012 at the Agricultural Research Station the Institute of Soil Science and Plants Cultivation – State Research Institute in Grabów, on grey-brown podsolic soils ( The factors investigated were: 4mixture of 50% share compared to pure sowing legume plants and grasses (factor 1); 2 ways to use mixtures: P-grazing, K/P in rotation utilization(factor 2). It has been shown suitability to the production of fodder for economic and productive mixtures of lucerne-grass (mixture no3) and white clover and lucerne-grasses (mixtures no 4). The hay/pasture use dry matter yield, the use of the sward and net production units of energy and protein were higher than in the pasture. The highest share in the cost of fertilizers and fuel have.