Phosphorus fertilizer did not increase stargrass forage yield nor improved forage crude protein or forage digestibility when applied to an Immokalee fine sand soil (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquod). Although the applied P improved forage tissue P concentration, most cattle producers routinely feed a balanced mineral salt which contains adequate P. Applied P caused a significant build-up of P in the Ap, E, and Bh horizons, increased soluble P concentrations in shallow and deep wells by 400% and 1500%, respectively, and in surface runoff by 50% and increased the potential for non-point source of P pollution. Gypsum was effective in eliminating P leachate from applied P into deep wells but was not beneficial for reducing P in surface runoff. Although promising in reducing total P in surface runoff, the long-term benefit of Ca-lime was not clear due to equilibrium effect.