

Serra et al. (2003) reviewed the status of invasive species (agricultural pests including arthropods, plant diseases and plants) introduced into the Dominican Republic (DR) in recent decades and also listed species with potential to be introduced. Very recent introductions include the lime swallowtail, Papilio demoleus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), native to Asia, which since its detection at the eastern end of Hispaniola has spread over DR's citrus-growing areas in the eastern and central regions and has reached those in the southwest. Recent invasive species initiatives by various scientists in the DR include: (1) establishment of the IABIN database for the DR, (2) convening of the Vth Caribbean Biodiversity Symposium, (3) a program to detect exotic fruit flies (4) a survey on distribution of reported fruit-fly species and their host plants, (5) evaluation of attractants and traps for fruit flies, (6) the emergence of parasitoids from several fruits, especially of mangos and Spondias spp., (7) several research activities on quite damaging invasive arthropod pest species such as the pigeon-pea pod fly (Melanagromyza obtusa), including surveys on damage, distribution of the pest and its natural enemies, trapping, host-plant range, chemical control and varietal responses. Due to the absence of effective parasitoids in pigeon pea plantings, it is necessary to implement classical biological control. However, the first introduction of specimens of biocontrol agents from Australia for quarantine purposes and reproduction failed. The rice spinky mite (Steneotarsonemus spinki), after having been tolerable for several years, has resumed causing serious damage to rice in association with fungal diseases. An IPM proposal for rice is being submitted by the IDIAF. The tropical tentweb spider (Cyrtophora citricola), a pest of citrus and other fruit trees, has become widespread on Hispaniola. The presence of coconut lethal yellowing disease in Hispaniola was reconfirmed by PCR in 1997. Although Myndus crudus, its known vector, has not been detected, the disease has slowly moved eastward along the northern coast toward the main coconut production areas. Some of the most important invasive species threats to the DR and the countries and/or areas in the region in which they are found are listed. Also summarized are 441 pest interceptions on 24 commodities shipped (Jan., 2003-0ct., 2005) from the DR to U.S. ports of entry (incl. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), many being host-associated. Also included are insects detected, probably as 'hitchhikers' on avocado shipments in maritime ports of the U.S.A., and species of arthropods and plant diseases reported on commodities imported from the DR. A review of the relative importance of different regions of the Americas as sources of quarantine pests on various commodities transported by airplanes to the U.S.A. suggests that the probability per aircraft flight that invasive species will be transported to the USA from the DR and the West Indies is less than from Central America.




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