Since exclusion at the port of entry is no longer adequate to protect U.S.A. plant resources, increased emphasis is being given to mitigating pest risk at the point of origin of items imported into the U.S.A., i.e. off-shore. In each of recent years the Caribbean Area Office has received an allocation US$ 100,000 from the appropriation to APHIS for pest detection. These funds will be used to support seven priority thrusts: (1) cooperative tracking in the Caribbean Region of pests of quarantine significance using the Off-shore Pest Information System (OPIS), (2) surveillance and biological control of exotic tropical fruit flies, (3) cooperative surveys for the giant African snail, TTAchatina fulica TTBowdich and other dangerous mollusks in the Region, (4) Scirtothrips dorsalis surveillance and mitigation, (5) biological control against the pigeon pea pod fly, Melanagromyza obtusa (Malloch), passionvine mealybug, Planococcus minor (Maskell), and the coffee mealybug, Planococcus lilacinus (Cockerell), (6) provide technical expertise to investigate potential emergent pest problems and provide digital imaging equipment to Caribbean quarantine authorities, and (7) assist in the training of plant protection officers in plant quarantine, in the development of manuals for port of entry inspectors, and updating plant health legislation.