Changes in the beekeeping sector in Poland in the years 2010 to 2015 with particular focus on regional differences are discussed. The situation of amateur and professional beekeepers in terms of their socioeconomic statuses with regard to number of bee colonies, productivity, number of hives per 1 km sq., losses in the bee colonies is presented. The main sources of information, including the Central Statistical Office (CSO), FAOSTAT 2016, the reports and studies of S. Pieniążek Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice Division of Apiculture in Puławy, the materials of the Polish Association of Beekeepers. The comparative and descriptive methods have been applied in the analysis of the research problem. The article shows who is the beekeepers, how is the situation in the number and structure of bee colonies by province, inform about average size of an
apiary, and density of honeybee colonies (number of colonies per 2 km sq.). The fragmentation of apiaries in Poland is a factor that has direct impact on the low profitability of production, while the
associated high costs, small scale of production, and lack of investment capital, significantly reduce the economic results and hinder further development.