There is no gainsaying the fact that Agriculture remains the
backbone of developing nation’s economy considering its
importance for food security as well as major source of
employment and rural livelihood. This is true in Africa as
Agriculture remains the major source of income though this
varies widely across countries. However, percentage share of
agriculture in national GDP of many African countries in the
recent time is declining. This coupled with increase in demand
for food, population growth as well as changing in consumers’
food patterns have led to increment in food importation bills
of many African countries in other to meet their domestic food
demand. This paper therefore reviewed the possibilities of
African agriculture achieving food sufficiency in the face of
21st century agricultural challenges and opportunities. Effort
was made to understudy the pathway to India Agriculture
attaining food sufficiency keeping in mind the similarity of
India Agriculture to African agricultural scenario with nearly
same opportunities and challenges. We therefore conclude that
a proactive and innovative pathway should be created in Africa
using policy tools, adoption of proven adaptable agricultural
technologies as well as promotion of climate smart agricultural
technologies for transformation of Africa Agriculture from net
importer of food to food sufficiency as well as becoming net
exporter of food.