This paper describes the results of a choice experiment measuring social benefits for
sustainable management practices related to water and resource recovery and reuse solutions
in agricultural in Burkina-Faso for ecosystem services preservation. Sustainable management
is conceptualized with four illustrative practices that impact water availability, water save,
soil restoration, soil fertility improvement and productivity growth: storing water with small
water infrastructure in rainy season, complete fresh water with waste water from household,
watering crop with drip irrigation and fertilizing with organic matter of sludge from septic
tank (human faeces). Data for a choice experiment are collected using a face-to-face survey of
farmers practicing off-season production in two region (Dano and Ouagadougou) in Burkina-
Faso. Results identify substantial benefits for ecosystem services preservation, the use of
small water infrastructure, drip irrigation, waste water and organic matter from human faeces.
Results also suggest that the estimated household benefits of all fours sustainable
management practices combined are similar in magnitude to the benefits from ecosystem
services alone. Based on model results, policy and future research may wish to examine
possibilities for subsidizing sustainable management practices in urban-influenced areas as a
more cost-effective means of providing benefits similar to those realized through ecosystem
services sustainability.