

The sorghum industry is threatened by a new invasive pest, the sugarcane aphid (SCA), capable of causing substantial damage to crop production and local economies. Little work has been conducted to assess and better understand the economic implications of the SCA outbreak. The objective of this study was to estimate the economic impact of SCA in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), Texas, where 11.5% of the state production is located. Local producers were surveyed to gather detailed information about yearly crop yields, crop acreage, insecticide application decisions, and management and production practices. Collected data were used to estimate the reduction in growers’ profit associated to the SCA infestation, as well as the monetary value of the prevented loss attributed to control efforts. Sorghum industry losses were then used to assess the overall economic impact of the SCA outbreak in the LRGV economy in terms of output, value-added, labor income and employment effects.




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