The study analyses the role of multiple binding constraints such as information, extension services, availability of labourers and irrigation in conditioning System of Rice Intensification (SRI) adoption by rice farmers in selected rice producing districts of India. The multiple thresholds that farmers need to overcome are analysed using a multi-hurdle model which explicitly incorporates the impact of constraints in adoption decisions. The results showed that age of the farmer reduced the access to information whereas the size of the farm increased the access to information. Gender of the head of the household, education, membership in farmer organisations etc. was crucial in getting access to extension services. Age of the household head, full time farming etc. increased the availability of labourers. Type of soil and terrain were found to be important in getting access to irrigation facility. District wise disparities showed that the disparities were the highest in the case of accessing information and followed by extension services. Although factors influencing the intensity (in terms of acres) as well as the depth of adoption (in terms of packages) were slightly different household assets, number of improved rice varieties known, membership in farmer organisations, risk etc. were significant in influencing the adoption decisions.