The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors
affecting the sustainable management of agricultural water
in Hamedan. The study population included all wheat farmers
possessing irrigated farms in Hamedan city (N=1800). Of
these farmers a sample of 317 people has been selected by
using randomized multi-stage sampling method. The data were
collected through a questionnaire's tool with help of the
interview technique. Accuracy of the questions in the questionnaire
was face validated by a panel of specialists. To test
the reliability of the questionnaires, the questionnaires were
first given to 30 farmers and Cronbach's Alpha was calculated
(Alpha=0.92) then the questionnaire was finalized. Data
analyzing methods such as Multiple Regression and the
coefficient of variation (CV= standard deviation /mean) were
used in this study. To determine the level of sustainability of
the farms Bossel method proposed for classification and grading
the fields was used. The results showed that variables agronomic
factors, policy factors and institutional factors were able to
explain 34 percent of the dependent variable's changes
(sustainable management of agricultural water). According to
the results, 95.3 percent of the farmers were categorized into
unsustainable group, 4.1 percent into semi-sustainable and
only 0.6 percent in sustainable group.