California's most important fishery is based
in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The quantity
of yellowfin„ skipjack and bluefin taken from this
area represent virtually the entire domestic (United
States) catch of light meat tuna.
Scientific evidence has indicated that the
maximum sustainable yield of yellowfin has been surpassed
(overfished). The years 1960 and 1961 have been
established as the starting point of this overfishing.
During these two years, the quantity of fish taken
(from the fishery) was large enough to affect the populations
(yellowfin) resilience. This overfishing has led
to the adoption of regulatory measures.This study is an evaluation of the California
tuna fishing industry. Specifically, attention is
focused on."Yellowfin" the most valuable species to
the California tuna fishermen. Examined and evaluated
are the forces influencing the behavior of the individual
fisherman. •The collective behavior of the fishermen is
examined also in relation to the impact such collective behavior may have on the individual fisherman and consumer. Indicated by the evidence is a low degree of
concentration on the sellers' side and a high degree
of concentration on the buyers' side of the tuna market.
Also illustrated was a uniqueness of tuna fishing costs.
The typical tuna vessel owner is faced with high
fixed costs and relatively, low variable costs. Average
variable costs were, further, found to be fairly stable.
Total average costs, given the preceding characteristics
of fixed and variable costs, decline over a large range
of outputs. This declining nature of average total
costs encourages fishermen to fish intensively. It
is in this manner that the fishermen are able to take
full advantage of decreasing costs, Therefore, tuna
fishermen fish intensively not only in hope of preventing
others from acquiring ownership but also in hope of
driving average costs down. In this case, costs accelerate
the intensive behavior encouraged by the fugitive tuna
resource. This maximum fishing activity engaged in
collectively by the entire fleet was determined to
be an influential factor leading the maximum sustainable yield to be surpassed. Total revenues and the change in consumers' surplus
were calculated to determine the gains and/or losses
accruing to the fishermen and consumer by fishing activity
surpassing maximum sustainable yield. Comparison of the
actual average landings for the 1960-66 period with the
maintenance of the maximum sustainable yield (over the
same period) revealed nominal impacts upon both fishermen
and consumers. Shortrun consideration indicate that exceeding
the maximum sustainable yield does not provide sufficient
economic evidence requiring implementation of regulatory
measures. Long run considerations are more difficult.
While the cost evidence obtained revealed little
change for the periods 1960-64 to 1966-67, it is impossible
to conclude that fishing costs in alternative periods
are independent. The possibility does exist that the
impact brought about by exceeding the maximum sustainable
yield are of a lagged nature. However, sufficient
economic evidence is required (showing adverse effects
accruing to both fishermen and consumers) before regulation
Is economically justifiable (especially if irreversibilities
are nonexistent).