

In this research the appropriation of space by rural youth is discussed, taking in perspective the temporal dimension of sustainability of a rural settlement organized by Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), in Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Mostly young settled people are inserted in the struggle for land as a result of the decision of their parents. Therefore, from this fight they will have to (re) construct their life projects within the settlement, tensioned by transformations of the rural world and characteristic problems of the youth in rural areas. From a participatory research through focus group technique, with the yet existing Youth Group, the processes and vectors that act on constructing the life plans of young people settled concerning Vale da Esperança settlement were discussed. The data were analyzed using the technique of Categorization of Content Analysis, which pointed to the importance of the form of insertion of the classes on land as well as activities of the social mediators in the space appropriation and construction of life projects for the settlement itself.




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