This report comprises a number of related components focussed on the role of capital and
capital formation in production, productivity and competitiveness in Canadian agriculture,
concentrating on the Prairie region of Western Canada in the period 1970 to the early 1990s. The
report includes the analysis of investment flows and capital stocks data, problems in measuring
productivity, and an assessment of the relative roles of technological change and economies of
scale in estimated productivity growth. In addition to the nature and extent of technical change,
other features of the structure of production technology are analyzed by estimation of a translog
cost function.
Input mix and investment data indicate an important increment in investment, resulting in
a larger machinery stock in the 1970s and a modest increment in the stocks of capital related to
agricultural land and buildings. Changes in the input mix result from the initial post-war
substitution of capital for labour and an eventual rising share of materials inputs including agrichemicals.
The land input appears to change little and slowly. Land related investment and
repairs also show a slow but steady growth over the period. In the 1980s, the labour share slowly
rises, reversing its previous downward trend. The important increase in capital-related
investments, particularly machinery, in the 1970s is followed by a considerable drop in the
1980s. Dis-investment appears to be taking place in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However,
productivity and total output do not appear to be shrinking, and productive capacity does not
appear to have been seriously affected in the short run by the lower levels of investment in the
Cost function parameters, elasticities of derived demand for inputs, and Allen partial
elasticities of input substitution are estimated in the report. Results indicate an increasingly rigid
production structure in the 1970s and early 1980s, lower elasticities of derived input demand and
reduced input substitution. Such trends suggest that technology in prairie farming was becoming
a "technological package". This trend was modestly reversed in the late 1980s when a slowly
changing input mix resulted from reduced use of chemicals and machinery. These changes may
be related to changing economic conditions which generally favoured cost reduction as opposed
to output expansion. The relatively slow response indicates the persistence of rigidities. It is not
yet clear whether slightly lessened rigidity is the start of a new trend or only temporary. Testing
functional properties of the cost function indicates rejection of homotheticity, of constant return
to scale, and of Hicks neutrality.
The index number methodology for the empirical measurement of agricultural
productivity is analyzed. A major problem is measurement of "durable" capital items.
Aggregation or indexing procedures is another important conceptual issue. Given the conceptual
superiority of flexible indexes we would recommend that Divisia-based or chained Fisher
indexing be employed rather than traditional indexes such as the Laspeyres or Paasche. Our
calculations suggest there is little practical difference in productivity estimates based on the
Tornqvist-Theil approximation to the Divisia index as opposed to the Fisher "ideal" chained
index. Total factor productivity, terms of trade and return to costs ratios are estimated. Although
productivity growth nearly fully compensated for adverse movements in the terms of trade for prairie agriculture over the entire postwar period from 1948 to 1991, it was much less effective in
doing so in the 1980s and profitability deteriorated.
The evidence suggests that the farming system in Western Canada has been experiencing
important transformations in the last two decades in our period of study. In terms of the structure
of production technology, our fmdings indicate non-homotheticity, biased technical change, and
a more important role for economies of scale. For productivity measurements, the use of flexible
forms, such as Divisia or Fisher Chained procedures, is preferred. The agricultural system,
having achieved a new ceiling in investment in the 1970s, went through a process of adjustments
and correction in the second half of the 1980s. There was a reduction in the annual level of
investments and a shrinkage in the capital stock, mostly due to a decline in farm machinery.
Given technical change and data problems, it is difficult to say if the level of investment
prevailing at the end of the period was sufficient to compensate for actual capital depreciation.
Future data availability and further research may provide a more definite answer.