

This study was carried out to analyze the comparative analysis of efficiencies of artisanal fisheries in Ijebu Waterside of Ogun State. The objectives determined gross margin analysis; estimate the technical efficiencies of both the manually propelled technology (MPT) and motorized technology (MT) of artisanal fishery systems and determining the factors influencing the technical efficiencies of artisanal fisheries in the study area. A multistage sampling technique was used to select a total of 400 Artisans from the study area. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire as interview guide, on the socio-economic characteristics, production inputs and output prices. The data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Stochastic production frontier model was used to estimate the technical, efficiencies of both motorized and manually propelled technologies in artisanal fishery system as well as the factors influencing the technical, efficiencies of the artisans. The results of the comparison of the MPT and (MT) revealed that the average income per month for MPT was N361,847.48 and the amount accruable per month for the MT was N560,755.57. The results of the comparison of catch efficiency and inefficiency function showed that in MPT, fishing gear, vessel length, number of crew/skippers, quantity of bait and battery were all significant at 5 percent probability level while for MT, fishing gear, outboard engine, battery and miscellaneous quantity were the significant factors. The mean catch efficiency of MPT was 0.92 compared to MT with 0.98. However, the comparison of the inefficiency shows that education, age, and household size are significant factors while education is significant factors in both MPT and MT respectively. The results of the returns-to-scale revealed that the parameters estimate of the MT was higher with 4.35 compared to MPT with 2.56.




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