The study was conducted to address the issue of consumers’ willingness to pay for inclusion of cassava flour in bread in Lagos State. The data were collected randomly from a sample of 300 respondents in the state through the use of a well structured questionnaire. The contingent valuation method was adopted to estimate both the mean willingness to pay of consumers and the factors that affect their willingness to pay and these were analyzed using the bivariate probit model. The most significant model was the 10percent cassava flour inclusion as it has the highest number of significant variables (eight) followed by 20percent cassava flour inclusion with seven significant variables and 30 and 40percent cassava flour inclusion with six significant variables each. The factors that influenced consumers’ willingness to pay for CCW bread were the respondent’s age, gender, respondents’ awareness, married respondents, respondents with head position,and bread share which is the proportion of respondents income spent on bread to total income. The mean willingness to pay for bread with an inclusion of cassava flour at 10, 20, 30, and 40percent cassava flour inclusion were ?172.70, ?165.00, ?154.07, and ?142.78 respectively for initial bid while the mean willingness-to-pay at 10, 20, 30, and 40percent cassava flour inclusion were ?180.20, ?150.41, ?143.35, and ?127.36 respectively for subsequent bid. Arising from the result of this study, birth control policies were recommended among respondents in the study area.