The present study investigates the potential of olive mill wastewater, treated by microfiltration and XAD4 macroporous resin, to be used as liquid fertilizer in maize production through a 2-year field experiment. The treated olive mill wastewater (T-OMWW) was applied at two rates of 25 t and 50 t per ha per year, supplemented with mineral fertilization. There was also a treatment involving the application of only T-OMWW at the rate of 50 t per ha per year, and an only mineral fertilizer treatment. Mineral fertilizers and T-OMWW were applied progressively through a drip irrigation system.
Maize grain and soil analysis showed that T-OMWW was capable to meet crop requirements in N, P and K, and increase soil N, P and K availability. There was a tendency for increasing soil Na and electrical conductivity (EC) using the higher rate of T-OMWW. Therefore, for sustainable agriculture, it may be safer to apply the T-OMWW at the lower rate of 25 t per haper year, or use the higher rate of 50 t per haevery other year.