Sustainable energy management stands at the top of the most important challenges of our future because of its complexity and wide connectivity with the sustainability of the society and economy. Rational answer to this challenge could be found just based on locally differentiated ways because there is not any general optimum of so called energy mix. That is why locally (regionally) elaborated and implemented sustainable energy strategies are needed and it is not just a simple technical and/or economical task of experts. There must be involved every stake-holders in the regional business and non-business (public and civil) sectors into the process of elaboration and also the implementing of this strategy. And the whole strategy must be based on the local natural environmental conditions and innovative capacity including the social innovation too. We have elaborated a possible method for the solution of this very complicated task and it has been defined in the frame of an EU-project (RESGEN) and was tested in the practice too. Our experiences are summarized in this article.