We analyse demand for food away from home (FAFH) in Slovakia by double-hurdle model from the Household Budget
Survey data covering period 2004-2010. Results reveal an increasing trend in food away from home expenditure
between the two periods with a considerable heterogeneity among different household types. The estimated income
elasticities of FAFH in Slovakia also differ among different household groups. For example, single person households
perceive out of home eating as a necessity. On the other hand, households consisting of multiple adults without
children, single parent with children, and traditional families with parents and children perceive eating out of home as
a luxury. FAFH in Slovakia differs substantially between regions as well as between the annual seasons. Slovak
households appear to have higher demand for FAFH in western regions and during the winter season. An important
feature of the applied household model is to measure the effect of wife’s opportunity costs regarding the food
preparation at home. Results reveal the fact that households with employed wife have significantly higher expenditure
on FAFH than unemployed (housekeeping) wife.