

The purpose of the paper was to asses changes of competitiveness among three bio-products: winter wheat, winter rye and winter rape in the year 2008 and 2011. The main research method was a comparative analysis of absolute and relative competitiveness among these bio-products in the given year. In the year 2008 winter rape had an absolute advantage over the other crops, followed by winter wheat and winter rye that took the second and third places respectively. In that year the hierarchy of crops according to the relative competitive advantage criterion was as follows: winter wheat, winter rape and winter rye. In the year 2011 the criterion of absolute advantage between these bio-products yielded the following order: wheat, rape and rye, whereas the criterion of relative advantage: wheat, rye and rape. The highest impact on the improvement of economic benefits of an agricultural holding has the bio-product characterized with the relative and absolute advantage, followed by the one with the relative advantage.




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