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In Great Britain the make-up of rural communities is changing. Young individuals are moving to cities and the population of rural communities is ageing. In this context, it is important to sustain and enhance people’s well-being and community cohesion. The purpose of this paper is to show that pubs are important facilitators of community cohesion and ultimately well-being of residents. This is done by compiling a database of secondary data at the parish level of rural communities of England. From this data, measures of community cohesion and social interaction are derived and correlated with the number of pubs within the parish. Pubs are found to be statistically significantly positively associated with community cohesion and social interaction. The paper goes on to construct regression and path models to relate the number of pubs and community cohesion and interaction to selfreported health as a proxy for well-being. Significant positive associations are again found. These findings provide a strong case to foster the sustainability of rural pubs. Diese Studie untersucht den Einfluss ländlicher Pubs auf den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Lebensqualität in ländlichen Regionen Großbritanniens. Die Autoren untersuchen dabei, ob ländliche Pubs einen positiven Effekt auf den gemeinschaftlichen Verbund und das Wohlbefinden in der Kommune ausüben. Die von den Autoren entwickelte ökonometrische Analyse umfasst Regressions- sowie Pfad-Modelle und nutzt die Gesundheitswerte von Kommunenmitgliedern als Proxy für örtliches Wohlbefinden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit liefern starke Argumente für die Förderung der Erhaltung ländlicher Pubs.




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