Non-timber benefits (NTBs) are increasingly being compared with timber
values in the crafting of multifunctional forest policies. Since most NTBs
are non-marketable goods, special valuation methods are developed for their
evaluation. Due to cost and time requirements, it is neither feasible nor
desirable to conduct primary valuation studies in each policy relevant case.
As an alternative, the benefit transfer (BT) approach is used to transfer
benefits estimated by previous studies in a similar context to the policy
context of interest. We take stock of the growing literature applying BT
techniques for NTBs, to answer two main questions: How have BT methods
been used to date in the forest context? What are the main lessons from
NTBs transfers? We found 12 studies dealing with BT between forest sites
and a few others in which forest sites were among other analyzed
environmental resources. The majority of them transferred recreation
benefits using the BT function based either on contingent valuation or travel
costs estimations. They mainly focused on four areas: physical attributes of
forests, time aspects, methodological improvements to increase the
estimated accuracy and reduce surveys costs. Our results get closer to
answering the question of “how and under what circumstances can NTBs be
reliably transferred?”