An improvement in cost accounting (CA) is one of the most
important elements of the development of modern logging industry in
Russia. CA of wood harvesting is important for management and decision
making; it provides necessary information for choosing the optimal method
of wood harvesting and for increasing profitability of business. The Soviet
method of CA has a long history of development during the whole period of
planning economy in Russia.
Nowadays the Nordic machines for wood harvesting play the
important role in the Russian wood harvesting development. Cost per
machine hour is the important factor for future development of CA in
Russia. Nowadays, the Nordic CA method of wood harvesting is an
alternative for traditional method. The Nordic approach has been promoted
also by making textbooks and leaflets of the CA in forest work with
international cooperation.
In this study the general points of Soviet/Russian CA method and
Nordic CA method of wood harvesting cost calculation are compared. Both
in the Soviet/Russian and Nordic methods wood harvesting costs are
divided into fixed and variable costs. The most difference between these
two methods is that exchange value of the new machinery is taken into
account in the Nordic method, but not in Soviet/Russian method.