Stated preference surveys have been criticised for many biases and uncertainties, including
whether the “product” valued is seen symbolically or as means to “moral satisfaction”.
Recently, criticism has focused on their propensity to elicit consumer valuations, in a context
where citizen values are deemed more appropriate. Thus surveys have been conducted which
explicitly elicit citizen values. Often these emulate the format of a referendum. It is not clear
that in a referendum people would vote other than for their own best interest. Nevertheless,
reflecting in citizen mode is likely to restructure people’s values. A genuinely selfless citizen
would promote “the best good of all”, which is largely an aggregate of individual values, with
some ill-defined communitarian supplement. Understood in these senses, values revealed
from citizen-format questionnaires may better represent consumer values than consumerformat
questionnaires do: they legitimise the profession of individual values, and reduce
problems of protest votes and of confusion between “willingness to pay” and “willingness to
play” (the valuation game).