Data from annual surveys on rural landlessness in Thailand md1cate that, m about half the country,
11 percent of the total agricultural households, or 272,000 out of 2.4 m1ll1on, were landless m 1982. Another 27
percent had some farmland but no more than four acres. In comparison with other developing countries, rural
landlessness m Thailand is low and has not posed serious problems as a whole. However, 1t is expected to mcrease
m mtensity, since land frontiers m forest reserves, which earlier provided a cushion for population pressure, are
rapidly reachmg an end. At least half the landless were in absolute poverty, m terms of mcome and asset ownership.
The key answers to help the landless lie not m land red1stnbut1on but m agricultural and nonagricultural skill
development so that the landless are more mobile between economic sectors, particularly mto mdustry
Agricultural mtens1fication1 relatively low Iand-mtensive agncultural activities, and mod1f1cattons of the present
rural poverty eradication and employment creation programmes to help the poor and landless should be