It is now widely accepted that technological change is a necessary although by
no means sufficient condition for agricultural development. It is clear that
despite the widespread diffusion of new wheat and rice varieties, many new
technologies are not being widely used by farmers because they do not fit the
particular circumstances of farmers for whom they are intended. This is despite
the fact that considerable public expenditures are often made to provide the
infrastructure such as credit and markets to enable the farmer to adopt these
tee hnologies.
This paper attempts to synthesize our experiences with national research
programmes and with the International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center's
(CIMMYT) wheat and maize programmes in deveolping research methodologies to
ensure that agricultural technologies generated by scarce research resources are
consistent with the circumstances of target farmers. It emphasizes collaboration
of technical and social scientists in on-farm research--both in
diagnosing farmers' problems and demands for technology and in developing and
testing in farmers' fields those technologies which appear to meet these