This study sought to determine the factors affecting the relative competitiveness (RC) measured as the normalized profit per acre, of cassava farmers in South Western Trinidad through a determination of the factors affecting the mean and variance of the RC inefficiency term of the farmers. A sample of 112 small farmers growing cassava as their main crop provided the data for the study. A normalized translog stochastic RC frontier model was estimated. The model also determined the factors affecting the variance of the symmetric random error. The results showed that the variance of the symmetric error was affected by age as well as the number of parcels of land owned by the farmer. Wage rate, crop acreage, wage rate squared and the cross product term of wage rate and family labour were significant variables affecting the RC. The study found that the larger the number of parcels of land owned by the farmer, the greater was the RC efficiency and the smaller the variance associated with that RC efficiency. In addition men had a higher RC efficiency, but women tended to have a lower variance in their RC efficiency. Increasing age significantly increased the variance of the RC efficiency, but reduced the variance of the symmetric random error term.