Not only the horse as a living creature, but also equestrian sport, has a positive influence on
the general upbringing and development of young people. Although equestrian sport still exerts
a strong fascination, it is becoming more difficult to inspire young people to take part in
this time-consuming and costly sport. It is not only the equestrian sport which is affected by
this – the majority of sport clubs offering different types of sport have registered diminishing
member numbers. Especially those riding schools which consider themselves as being service
providers in equestrian sport are confronted with the challenge of binding children and adolescents
to their school for a longer term, thereby enabling the schools to manage themselves
sustainably. The present study has, therefore, investigated the various factors which influence
customer satisfaction in riding schools and their significance by using a structural equation
model. A survey of 203 children and adolescents was undertaken in five different German
riding schools. Customer satisfaction was particularly influenced by the “design of the riding
lessons” and the “school horses”. The influence of the “riding instructor”, however, was more
indirect (acting over the direct impact on the design of the lessons and the school’s horses)
than direct. One most noticeable aspect of the results is the strong influence of customer satisfaction
on recommendation behaviour.