Accurate and easy to use Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) are of
fundamental importance for a successful operational farm management. However, still
today many farmers do not use FMISs for various reasons, like lack of knowledge and the
complexity of many available FMISs. In particular for small to medium-sized farms and for
multifunctional farms appropriate FMISs hardly exist.
This paper aims on the deduction of a concrete FMIS from a general FMIS. The concrete
FMIS has to focus on the needs of medium-sized and multifunctional farms. This means that
the farmer has to be empowered to allocate the scarce resources of the farm. Therefore, we
picked a German farm from the state North Rhine Westphalia as a case-study to apply a
system analysis. The case study farm helps to identify and to analyze relevant material and
information flows, production processes, and their interconnections and synergies.