The calculated profitability of using Bovine Somatotropin (BST) on typical dairy farms in The
Netherlands ranges from Dfl.160 to 300 per cow per year, assuming 1985 prices and circumstances,
and ignoring the costs of BST. A 20% increase in milk production and no change of the feed/milk
relation were used for the calculations. BST is more profitable on intensive farms or on farms with
more opportunities for alternative uses ofland, buildings and labour. The quota system, however,
leads to a considerable reduction of profitability.
At a national level, and with an unchanged milk price, a 28% adoption rate of BST would
increase national income about Dfl.120 million. However, the cost ofBST or any decrease in milk
price could reduce this amount, even to below zero. It is apparent that some dairy farmers who
apply BST will earn more income whereas others will lose income.