Scientific knowledge is considered a cultural ecosystem service, at least within the framework of
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA 2005). The concept of ecosystem services
captures the tangible and intangible ways by which Nature, or ecosystems, benefit humans. For
example, see the review of Johnston and Russell (2011) who focus on identifying ecosystem
services based on whether at least one rational person would be willing to pay to increase an
outcome from an ecosystem (cf., Kareiva 2011). Ecosystem services have become a focal point
for developing research and policy to aid society generally in better balancing the contributions
to quality of life from conservation or use of environmental resources and growth of the
commercial economy.
This paper reports on a small-scale experiment in which a broad group of ecological scientists
were challenged to consider their own values within an economic framework, by considering
whether to contribute financially (i.e., to donate) to support a global research initiative designed
to investigate the implications of global change for grassland ecosystems. In this paper, we
explore the concepts and foundations for economic valuation and use this small-scale experiment
to illustrate some of the basic approaches of economics as they might apply to choices about
ecosystem services, particularly using an application to the potential to enhance scientific