En este trabajo se pretende analizar la transmision de precios a lo largo de la cadena de distribucion de uno de los productors mas significativos para la pesca costera de Galicia, el pulpo (Octopus vulgaris). En particular, utilizando series de precios mensuales para el periodo 1998-2004, se realiza un analisis de cointegracion y se estudian las causalidades a corto y largo plazo en la determinacion de los precios de los dos niveles de la cadena de comercializacion: lonjas y mayorista. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la existencia de una realzion de equilibrio a largo del precio en ambos mercados... In the Spanish and especially in Galician context, the exploitation of fishing resources has reached a large scale, whereby the coastal fishing segment in Galicia is one of the most important. The objective of this work is to analyze the situation of the Galician coastal segment from market point of view, for which one of its most representative fisheries will be considered: the case of the Octopus (Octopus vulgaris). In particular, with series of monthly prices for 1998-2004 period, the causality relations and prices transmission along distribution chain using cointegration methodology are studied. The results show stable relations between first sale markets and wholesaler prices in the long term. Then, variations in one of the two chain levels will generate variations in the other one.