The northern Australian beef industry accounts for approximately half of the national beef
herd. It is currently challenged by a range of factors including decline in beef prices, limited
live export trade, large farm debt levels, and low return on assets managed. Access to
irrigation has been identified as one factor with potential to contribute to growth of the
northern Australian beef industry. The development of irrigation for growing pasture and
forage crops could extend the ability to sustain cattle through the dry season, a period when
forage quality and quantity often limits cattle performance. We used a bio-economic model
(Northern Australia Beef Systems Analyser) to investigate the farm-scale impacts of
integrating forage crops into an existing cattle breeding operation in the Gilbert catchment of
north Queensland. We assessed the feasibility of a range of forage crop types and irrigated
areas with consideration of the capital costs of irrigation investment, price movements, and
water reliability. This analysis highlights some of the key conditions under which beef
producers are likely to benefit from an irrigation development at the farm scale.