The paper generally addresses the issue of processing the JSON format for mobile devices on the Android operating system platform. Implementation has been tested and demonstrated using the processing of an extensive collection of spatial data generated from game movement monitoring (the Game Online application). The potential for use not only in the sphere of agriculture, rural development and environmental protection is in general practically unlimited, and with the growing number and availability of mobile devices the discussed issue gains further relevance. The ways of obtaining current data for the operation of the application are essential for the development of applications intended for mobile devices. As direct access to databases is not possible, it is necessary to transfer preselected data between the client and server using a suitable transfer format. This is catered for by data serialization, where one of the applied forms is the JSON format. Specifically, the paper compares methods of its parsing, i.e. transfer to objects, or, where applicable, collections, which may be utilised in the applications for further processing. The decisive factor here is namely the time which represents, in particular, the duration of the transfer proper.